Thursday, December 30, 2010
MIB Invite... Part 1
Last night I started working on the MIB invitations. My FSIL/MOH helped and I was so glad she did. I thought this was going to take forever to make but to my surprise we were done in like 20 mins. That was fast!
I'm so sad...
The Past week has been full of disappointment for me, well sort of. I tried to get some DIY projects done and for some reason everything was going wrong. I couldn't finish my invitations, my parasols got messed up, I can't get my invite wording to print how I want them, I haven't started on my aisle runner, FMIL is driving me crazy and she's suppose to help me with my DIY barefoot sandals, and my bridesmaids can't agree on a date to go dress shopping. Lets not get started on how broke I am after Christmas gifts. I should of just told everyone not to bother on getting me anything because this year all I was going to focus on was saving for the wedding. Ooh yeah I did tell them that but does anyone listen??? NO of course not. And I'm not the kind of person that can be okay when I get gifts and I don't give any gifts back. I know is not about the gifts but I just hate not being to give when I'm receiving.
Yesterday I figured out how to print what I needed for the invitations with the exception of the invite paper itself and I went to bed at 2am working on the parasols. With luck, I should have both parasols done by tonight. It is not difficult to make at all is just very time consuming. I'm actually scare to get started on the aisle runner. I'm thinking of making it a weekend project starting it on a Friday night and then continue all through Sunday. That way I get it all done within that time frame and that way I don't have it laying around on a table with a 4 year old running around with a Popsicle and well... you know the rest.
That being said, I'm also very sad because I will not have all the DIY projects that I wanted to have completed by the end of the year. I'll have 2 and 1/2 done. The table Names, Parasols, and part of the MIB invitations. However, I do have everything I need for the aisle runner so right after I'm done with this projects and the New Year kicks in I'll be working on it. I hope to get it done before school starts again.
Wish me luck! =)
Yesterday I figured out how to print what I needed for the invitations with the exception of the invite paper itself and I went to bed at 2am working on the parasols. With luck, I should have both parasols done by tonight. It is not difficult to make at all is just very time consuming. I'm actually scare to get started on the aisle runner. I'm thinking of making it a weekend project starting it on a Friday night and then continue all through Sunday. That way I get it all done within that time frame and that way I don't have it laying around on a table with a 4 year old running around with a Popsicle and well... you know the rest.
That being said, I'm also very sad because I will not have all the DIY projects that I wanted to have completed by the end of the year. I'll have 2 and 1/2 done. The table Names, Parasols, and part of the MIB invitations. However, I do have everything I need for the aisle runner so right after I'm done with this projects and the New Year kicks in I'll be working on it. I hope to get it done before school starts again.
Wish me luck! =)
MIB Invite,
Monday, December 27, 2010
MIB Dilemma/Table Names
I went to Walmart to exchange my printer and they didn't let me :( so now I have to wait until I get it in the mail in 5-7 business days, not including the holidays, to get a new one in order to print out my bottle labels and invites. I'm so sad, things are really not on my side this week. As I was driving home I stopped at a staples to see if I can print it there and no luck. I wasn't able to print them because I didn't have it align correctly for them to use their label paper and the lady didn't want to use the one I had, I feel like everyone is giving me such a hard time about all of this. I did however take advantage of being in Walmart and having my flash drive with me to print out my table names as pictures. Here's what they look like if I decide to put them in a picture frame. I'm not sure of how I want to display them but I'm sure something will come to mind.

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Parasol Disaster
I will start this post by admitting that I am not crafty at all. I don't draw, color, paint, trace, or nothing for the simple fact that I'm just not that artistic. There's not a hair on my body that carries that gene. That being said, I knew very well what I was getting myself into when I decided to do DIY projects for the wedding and I knew very well that it wasn't going to be easy but that wasn't going to stop me. I want to be able to feel good and proud of myself when guests ask "who did this?" and I say "I did".
If you remember from an earlier post last month I challenged myself to finish about 5 projects before the year 2010 was over. Well... today I started the painting process for the parasols. I had already printed, cut, taped and trace the letters. I sat in FMIL's dining room and started painting it. I was taking my sweet time because I wanted to do a good job and be proud of myself. Shortly after I started my fiance's foster brother got behind me said that I was doing it wrong, being that he's a good drawer and does carry the "artistic" gene I asked if he would help. well... yea... bad idea. He messed up my parasol :(
He was using way too much paint and it didn't look nothing like the part I had done. It looked like my 4 year old son had painted it at school. Needless to say that I told him to stop that I would finish it. Then my FBIL asked to let him work on it that he can fix it for me. I was frustrated so I agreed and let him take over the painting. He did a worse job than the foster boy :( He painted outside the lines and to fixed it he made the letters thicker. It looks like a big mess.
I'm so mad, sad, frustrated and worried that my parasol is ruined. Luckily it was only the first two letters of the Thank part, so I plan on finishing the painting tonight and seeing how that turns out. If it turns out good than yaayyy but if it doesn't I guess I can always try again and I'll think of this as a practice. I've got to stay positive on this, think positive Pam think positive!
Please pray so that this wasn't a complete disaster. Thanks
If you remember from an earlier post last month I challenged myself to finish about 5 projects before the year 2010 was over. Well... today I started the painting process for the parasols. I had already printed, cut, taped and trace the letters. I sat in FMIL's dining room and started painting it. I was taking my sweet time because I wanted to do a good job and be proud of myself. Shortly after I started my fiance's foster brother got behind me said that I was doing it wrong, being that he's a good drawer and does carry the "artistic" gene I asked if he would help. well... yea... bad idea. He messed up my parasol :(
He was using way too much paint and it didn't look nothing like the part I had done. It looked like my 4 year old son had painted it at school. Needless to say that I told him to stop that I would finish it. Then my FBIL asked to let him work on it that he can fix it for me. I was frustrated so I agreed and let him take over the painting. He did a worse job than the foster boy :( He painted outside the lines and to fixed it he made the letters thicker. It looks like a big mess.
I'm so mad, sad, frustrated and worried that my parasol is ruined. Luckily it was only the first two letters of the Thank part, so I plan on finishing the painting tonight and seeing how that turns out. If it turns out good than yaayyy but if it doesn't I guess I can always try again and I'll think of this as a practice. I've got to stay positive on this, think positive Pam think positive!
Please pray so that this wasn't a complete disaster. Thanks
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas... 6 months to go!

On another note, today is our 6 months mark. 6 months down and 6 months to go, how exciting is that?! I'm sure June will be here before we know it and although that makes me super duper excited I think that now at this very moment I'm more nervous than ever.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Invitation Wording
Here are my babies!
When I started thinking on how I wanted my invitations this is exactly how I envisioned them. I started working on this months ago but for some reason the picture wasn't coming out how I wanted it so I waited until I got the CD with our engagement pictures from Julia. Early this week I started working on them again and still nothing. It got to the point where I got so frustrated that I had no choice but to ask for help and who better than the awesome Gabriel from GT Modern Creations. Do you remember him? Gabriel was the one who did my boarding passes save the date.
He kindly said yes on helping me. That same night after I had emailed him he sent me the finished product and honestly I couldn't have been any happier. It was like if he was reading my mind because this is just what I wanted. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people this year that have helped me so much on making sure I get what I want for my big day. I couldn't be any happier today, especially because classes are over Yaaayyyy!
Now, mind the way the picture looks. I haven't gotten a chance to print them yet so this picture was taken by looking at the computer screen. I wanted to share this with you because I'm so happy with the way they turned out. Thanks Gabriel!

When I started thinking on how I wanted my invitations this is exactly how I envisioned them. I started working on this months ago but for some reason the picture wasn't coming out how I wanted it so I waited until I got the CD with our engagement pictures from Julia. Early this week I started working on them again and still nothing. It got to the point where I got so frustrated that I had no choice but to ask for help and who better than the awesome Gabriel from GT Modern Creations. Do you remember him? Gabriel was the one who did my boarding passes save the date.
He kindly said yes on helping me. That same night after I had emailed him he sent me the finished product and honestly I couldn't have been any happier. It was like if he was reading my mind because this is just what I wanted. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people this year that have helped me so much on making sure I get what I want for my big day. I couldn't be any happier today, especially because classes are over Yaaayyyy!
Now, mind the way the picture looks. I haven't gotten a chance to print them yet so this picture was taken by looking at the computer screen. I wanted to share this with you because I'm so happy with the way they turned out. Thanks Gabriel!

Happy Friday!
Monday, December 13, 2010
A little about me through pictures
Today after coming home from work I worked on our wedding invite wording. I think I did pretty good for rushing (story on that will come later this week).
I then started going through my photo albums. I wanted to reminisce on the past for a little, and that's when I came across some baby pictures and some really old pictures of my parents when they were teenagers jejeje. Well I decided to share a little bit more about myself by posting a few pictures of my childhood. These are just a few, if I post all my pictures it will take me months to get them all up.
The couple that made me, this picture is from the late 70s. Shhh don't tell my mom, she'll kill me if she knew I posted this lol
I then started going through my photo albums. I wanted to reminisce on the past for a little, and that's when I came across some baby pictures and some really old pictures of my parents when they were teenagers jejeje. Well I decided to share a little bit more about myself by posting a few pictures of my childhood. These are just a few, if I post all my pictures it will take me months to get them all up.
The couple that made me, this picture is from the late 70s. Shhh don't tell my mom, she'll kill me if she knew I posted this lol

Here I am for my first b~day =)
I miss my daddy
12 years ago, on a day like today, I received the worse news a child could ever get. My father's death. I won't go into details because this is very personal and sad for me. Loosing a parent at such a young age is the hardest thing ever.
Growing up without my father has been hard for me, knowing that he will not be here to give me away on my wedding day or was not there for my first child birth has been even harder. And lets not get started on everything he has missed and will continue to miss. What hurts me the most, specially now that I'm old enough to understand and put two and two together, is that he was so young (only 38y/o) and that it wasn't a natural death. He's death was provoked by some really bad people and knowing that makes it even harder for me to accept the fact that he's no longer around. No one besides God should decide when a human life is over, they have no idea how badly that can affect the family and loved ones.
I decided to post this here today to honor my father. Although I was only 11 years old when he passed away I have wonderful memories of him. He was not a bad person, not sir he wasn't. He even saved a young girl's life about a year before by taking her out of her house when a hurricane threaten her life. He was very loving and caring. In my eyes he was a hero... my hero =)
I remember going to DR the week before he died and going to visit him right after he got out of his coma. He looked so helpless and fragile that I was afraid to even touch him. Saddest part is that I cannot remember the exact last time that I saw him. All I have is some pictures and memories.
Enough to know that although he's not here with me he's in a better place watching over me and blessing me and my family.
***Papi, donde quiera que estes espero que te encuentres bien y que estes gozando en la gloria de Dios nuestro senor. Nunca olvide que te amo con toda mi alma y aunque ya no estas aqui siempre te llevare en mi mente y corazon, hasta el fin de mis dias. TQM***
~Happy Monday!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Dress update
Ok just really quickly.
I just wanted to inform you that I love love love my dress. I'm not freaking out anymore, from the moment I saw it and looked at myself in the mirror I said "WOW... this is really my wedding dress". "This is really happening, I'm getting married!". This is so exciting :)
I honestly cannot wait to post pictures of my wedding day.
In other news my last day of class was yesterday =D that means no excuses on not being able to post more frequently. I just have 2 days next week when I need to take 2 final exams and finish my Christmas shopping and then for the next 4 weeks it will all be about the wedding. I finally have everything I need for my DIY projects, except for the items for the barefoot sandal, so pictures of the finished projects will be coming very very soon :)
Happy Friday!
Have a safe weekend.
I just wanted to inform you that I love love love my dress. I'm not freaking out anymore, from the moment I saw it and looked at myself in the mirror I said "WOW... this is really my wedding dress". "This is really happening, I'm getting married!". This is so exciting :)
I honestly cannot wait to post pictures of my wedding day.
In other news my last day of class was yesterday =D that means no excuses on not being able to post more frequently. I just have 2 days next week when I need to take 2 final exams and finish my Christmas shopping and then for the next 4 weeks it will all be about the wedding. I finally have everything I need for my DIY projects, except for the items for the barefoot sandal, so pictures of the finished projects will be coming very very soon :)
Happy Friday!
Have a safe weekend.
Friday, December 3, 2010
My dress is in....Yayyy!
On Monday I get a call from DB telling me that my dress has arrived and is ready to be picked up. How exciting! So all week I've been waiting and waiting and waiting some more for Friday to come so that I can rush to DB right after work and pick up my dress. I can't wait to hold it and see it again. And believe it or not but I'm kind of nervous. I've only been waiting for about 6 weeks or so but I'm afraid that I'm not going to like it anymore or that I'm going to wish I would of gotten the other dress instead. I don't know what's wrong with me, I have this image of how I looked on the dress and I'm not too pleased with it anymore :( Is this normal? Did I rush on deciding on that dress? Will I regret it later on, when is to late to order another one? Should I had shopped around more? Hay hay hay I'm so confuse and sad and mad and happy!
I hope that's only because the memory I have of that image is fading away from my brain and I can't see it clearly because if I really don't want that dress anymore I will SCREAM. Plus I've gained a few lbs since the dress was bought... :x yikes! Maybe I should wait and lose a few lbs before trying the dress on again.
O well... I'll let you know if I'm still happy with my decision or if I'll be all depress and decide to go dress shopping again. Wish me luck!
Happy Friday!
I hope that's only because the memory I have of that image is fading away from my brain and I can't see it clearly because if I really don't want that dress anymore I will SCREAM. Plus I've gained a few lbs since the dress was bought... :x yikes! Maybe I should wait and lose a few lbs before trying the dress on again.
O well... I'll let you know if I'm still happy with my decision or if I'll be all depress and decide to go dress shopping again. Wish me luck!
Happy Friday!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!..... 7 months to go :)
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Hoping that your day is spent with those you love and with those you are thankful to have in your life. Have a safe and blessed day!

And if today is not special enough I still feel blessed and thankful to only have 7 months to go until the day I marry my lover, my baby father, my life time partner and my friend. As I said it many times before, June cannot get here fast enough.
Enjoy your day :)

And if today is not special enough I still feel blessed and thankful to only have 7 months to go until the day I marry my lover, my baby father, my life time partner and my friend. As I said it many times before, June cannot get here fast enough.
Enjoy your day :)
I'm His....He's Mines!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
DIY Projects Update
Hi ya'll!
LOL. (I felt like saying that) Anyways. so I've been horrible at blogging the past 2 weeks but trust me, I have a legitimate excuse. I blame it on my school and job. They are both pulling me by each arm and I'm going crazy here. I've been so busy studying and trying not to stay behind with work, honestly I don't know how people do it. How can someone manage some many roles in life? mother, fiance, worker, student, friend, daughter, sister, and so on. If anyone knows the trick please let me know. I'm in desperate need of help.
Back to what's really important and to what you really want to hear. Two weeks ago I made a commitment to complete some DIY projects before the end of 2010. Although I haven't completed any yet I am working on them. So far I have/bought
-corks (will be order soon)
-label paper (for bottles)
-Paper for invite
-letters for parasol (and I actually decided to make 2. One that says "Just Married" and the other "Thank You"
-enlarged monogrammed for aisle runner
-instructions for how to make barefoot sandals
-Card stock for table names.
I have half of I what I need but I still need the rest of the items needed to start the projects. Once I get everything I'll let you know :)
Also just a warning, for the next 3 weeks to come I'll be really busy studying for finals and going to babyshowers, concerts, birthday parties, and blah blah blah so I might not be posting much or doing much wedding related things. However I promise to make it up to you with tons of finished projects and pictures after finals are done.
Wish me luck with my finals :)
Have a blessed day!
LOL. (I felt like saying that) Anyways. so I've been horrible at blogging the past 2 weeks but trust me, I have a legitimate excuse. I blame it on my school and job. They are both pulling me by each arm and I'm going crazy here. I've been so busy studying and trying not to stay behind with work, honestly I don't know how people do it. How can someone manage some many roles in life? mother, fiance, worker, student, friend, daughter, sister, and so on. If anyone knows the trick please let me know. I'm in desperate need of help.
Back to what's really important and to what you really want to hear. Two weeks ago I made a commitment to complete some DIY projects before the end of 2010. Although I haven't completed any yet I am working on them. So far I have/bought
-corks (will be order soon)
-label paper (for bottles)
-Paper for invite
-letters for parasol (and I actually decided to make 2. One that says "Just Married" and the other "Thank You"
-enlarged monogrammed for aisle runner
-instructions for how to make barefoot sandals
-Card stock for table names.
I have half of I what I need but I still need the rest of the items needed to start the projects. Once I get everything I'll let you know :)
Also just a warning, for the next 3 weeks to come I'll be really busy studying for finals and going to babyshowers, concerts, birthday parties, and blah blah blah so I might not be posting much or doing much wedding related things. However I promise to make it up to you with tons of finished projects and pictures after finals are done.
Wish me luck with my finals :)
Have a blessed day!
Aisle Runner,
Barefoot Beach Sandal,
MIB Invite,
Table Names
Friday, November 5, 2010
Guest Book...Check!
Last night I get home from school and I'm super tired. I get ready for bed, start watching Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice and then I just fell asleep. I was so tired that I didn't noticed a packaged that FI had left in the kitchen for me.
This morning as I'm walking past the kitchen on my way to the bathroom I notice it and immediately I turn into the kitchen. When I opened the packaged I see this
I was soooo excited. A fellow knottie (SimplyMistaken) started her own etsy shop a few months ago and she made this guest book for me. I love the outcome. She did a fabulous job. She used a lot of our engagements pictures and now I feel better about not using our e pics for our table names (see previous post). Jamie thank you sooo much for doing this for me. You Rock!
Here are some more pictures from our guest book. This is a great way to start my weekend :)
This morning as I'm walking past the kitchen on my way to the bathroom I notice it and immediately I turn into the kitchen. When I opened the packaged I see this

Here are some more pictures from our guest book. This is a great way to start my weekend :)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
DIY Projects
I have tons of DIY projects in my checklist and so far I've completed about 3. So by posting pictures of the projects I need to start and finish I'm committing myself to having them done soon to be able to show you my final product.
I'm known for being late and leaving things for the last minute and my excuse right now is that I have too much going on (school, work, wedding, family, a home, etc) I always use one of those things to get me off the hook. Until today that is.
My goal for the next couple of months is to work and finish all of these projects by January. Is it doable? Sure it is. Will I finish them all? That's a very good question lol. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

(Picture courtesy of Heather from blog Road to the Aisle)

So there you have. Some of my DIY Projects that I intend to finish by January.
Wish me luck! :)
Aisle Runner,
Barefoot Beach Sandal,
MIB Invite,
Table Names
Shoes F/U
OK. So I haven't found "the" right shoes to go with "the" dress and I'm getting frustrated. But when I think about it I think to myself, "why am I going crazy looking for "the" shoes now?". What if I buy a pair now and then later around February I find another pair that I love even more?
I want to get everything checked off from my list yet again I need to let things get checked off when the right time comes. So I decided to continue looking around for the perfect shoes but not to stress about it. I have a million others things to stress about including work and my A&P class (which for the record will be leaving me bold come June).
Have a blessed day!
I want to get everything checked off from my list yet again I need to let things get checked off when the right time comes. So I decided to continue looking around for the perfect shoes but not to stress about it. I have a million others things to stress about including work and my A&P class (which for the record will be leaving me bold come June).
Have a blessed day!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Must Take Photos
Lately all I've been thinking about is how our wedding pictures will turn out. Our photographer Julia is amazing and every time I check her blog and see all the new pictures she has posted it just makes me want to tap my heels together three times and wish I was at my wedding day 8 months from now.
I've been collecting pictures from all over the place. Including other knotties, google, TK and so on. So much that when I give Julia our, well actually my must take list she's going to think that I'm crazy. I have so many must take that is insane. I just can't think of having to decide between them, they are all so WOW!
Now you probably think I'm nuts. But here take a look.

I've been collecting pictures from all over the place. Including other knotties, google, TK and so on. So much that when I give Julia our, well actually my must take list she's going to think that I'm crazy. I have so many must take that is insane. I just can't think of having to decide between them, they are all so WOW!
Now you probably think I'm nuts. But here take a look.

You see what I mean? I can't decide on just 2 or 3. And to make it worse this is only a fraction of all the pictures I've collected in the past year and a half. I guess the worse part of being engage for over 2 years is that you have too much time in your hands to plan and get more and more ideas. I've come to the conclusion that the longer you are engaged for the more expensive your wedding will be. Do you agree or disagree?
Happy Thursday!
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