Finally, 5 months into the making and I'm ready to start the second part of "The Beginning". To read how we first met you'll have to read
"The Beginning Part I" .
This time a year is very special to me. About two weeks ago 6 years ago I meet my future husband. We didn't go on a first date until mid March after my birthday and for me every beginning of every year I reminist on the past with the events happening. Sometimes I wonder if I was not there, in that cafeteria at that time that exact date would FI and I had ever met? We did go almost 6 years living minutes away from each other, going to the same school, knowing the same people and we never noticed each other. I believe that everything happens for a reason and at that point in my life and with all the drama I was going through he was just what the doctor had ordered ;). God couldn't have sent him at a better time in my life.
After our first few dates we became inseparable. We saw each other every weekend and every day at school. We ended up going to Prom together, going to family functions, and he took me on vacation with his dad and brother. Although it had only been a few months that we'd known each other I felt as if I knew him since ever. He had every quality I was looking for and was such a gentleman, he definitly swept me off my feet :)
The summer of 2005 was the best summer I had ever had. It was so sad to think that at the beginning of fall we would be going our separate ways to pursue our individual careers. I had gotten so attached to him that couldn't see a happy future without him. He was my soulmate, God knew exactly what he was doing when he created us.
We decided to stay in our relationship while I was attending a local college and he was taking truck driving classes. As we entered into fall I had a minor surgery scheduled for late September. He was with me every step of the way and I was so grateful for that. In early November we found out that I was expecting, 5 weeks pregnant to be exact. My heart dropped. How was I going to tell my mother? What would his family think? We haven't even been together 1 year. What was he going to think? Millions of questions were racing through my head.
When I told him he was in shock. He didn't know if to be happy or upset. First thing he did was call his sister. Of that conversation I really have nothing to say because I wasn't there, for all I know she was cursing the day I was born lol who knows. However, I can tell you that later that night he came over after work we had a long talk and decided to let things go how they are meant to go. About two months later I moved in with him to his father's house and three months after that we moved in to our first apartment.
June came so fast and left soooo sloooww. I was due July 1st but from June 1st till the 30th it had felt like a year had gone by. I felt huge, it was so hot, I was moody and uncomfortable ugh! All I kept thinking is when is this baby going to come out. The doctors kept saying I could give birth any day after 38 weeks but our son had other plans lol. He wanted to come out on his due date, he wanted to treasure and enjoy every momemt inside my womb, at least that's what I say to myself lol. So indeed he was born July 1st (that's another story) and that's when FI and myself became parents. We can't see our life without our little man, he has made it much more amazing.
I never thought that I would have a blog, that I would write personal stories or better yet this story. I always felt that the story of "our beginning" wasn't that fascinating not to mention that I'm always thinking and worrying about what others would say. But as I read more blogs, meet more people, and get older I'm starting to care less what others think. This is my life and I wouldn't change a second of it. Everyone is welcome to follow me and those who don't, well is ok because I'll never know.
Below are some really bad quality pictues of FI and myself. Enjoy!
Our first trip together to Ocean City, MD. (June/July 2005)

This one was in Wildwood, NJ. (August 2005)

Here we are in Wildwood again. Wow look how young our faces look...

jajaja I love this one. This one is in Virginia Beach (April 2006) and can you notice what's under the fans :) yup! is my 7 months old belly :) lol

Awwww... our babyshower in May 2006

Pregnancy portraits in 2006

Most recent one. This was on Thanksgiving weekend 2010.

I hope you have enjoyed reading a little about our story with many more to come.
Good Night!