I'm starting to really like these kind of posts :)
After joining The Knot I discovered that there are other options besides the traditional candle ceremony. The sand ceremony grabbed my attention the most and went perfect with our wedding theme. Beach wedding, sand ceremony, beach wedding, sand ceremony... Helloooo Pam! lol
So about 2 weeks ago I ordered the ceremony set below from Amazon.com. I've wanted this set from the very moment I saw it. I just knew I had to have it. Last week I received it and is everything I expected. Even FI said "Wow Pam this is really nice" :). He made my evening! (I love when he notices the little details).
Now come decisions, decisions. Should I have it monogrammed/ingraved? Or leave it as it is? I think monogramming it will make it extra special, don't you?

Isn't it gorgeous? This pictures are all from Google, I was feeling lazy and didn't want to take my own pictures and upload it.
The plan is to have our son use the smaller pouring vase to pour the foundation sand and then we would take turns pouring our sand and finally we would pour them together.
Have a fun and safe weekend!