Yaayyyy! We're Married!


Monday, January 17, 2011

In need of motivation

Every middle of the week I realize that my wedding is getting closer and closer and every middle of the week I say that this weekend will be the last weekend I stuff my face and don't work out.

Is obvious that I have zero motivation to work out and eat healthy. I love food! Food is too good for one not to eat it. Or for one to eat it with no flavor. At least that's what I think about when I think of eat healthy.

FI is the complete opposite. He goes to the gym everyday, eats healthy everyday, he can even stay in a "no carbs" "protein only" diet for a long long time. He'll go to the gym even when he has a fever so when he doesn't go I know he has to be really sick. You would think that living with a person that is so motivated would rub off a little. Nope... not really. I've tried every video imaginable, a gym membership (I even paid for an extra membership to take my mom or sister with me so that I won't go alone), I got the C25K app for my iPhone, yoga, the wii and nothing. I bet with all the money I've spent trying to get motivated I would have had a good portion of our wedding budget saved just like that.

About 2 weeks ago I ordered some bathing suits from VS, after they arrived I tried them on and I was not pleased with how I looked with them on. I wanted to cry :( and in all seriousness I'm not overweight or anything, my weight is fine for my height and age and to be honest I like how I look now. I just want to tighten up my abs and define my shape a little more. Something like Beyonce or Rihanna or even Halle Berry that's not too much to ask for is it?

Well, all I'm saying is that I need to get serious about this and not only because I'll be getting marry in a beach in under 6 months but for the simple fact that it'll be healthy for my body in the long run.

Yesterday I decided to get this thing started and I ended up with horrible cramps so I postponed the exercise for today. I got up early morning and got ready for work, ate a small bowl of cereal for breakfast, took some grapes and a small tangerine and put it with my lunch and guess what? I left home without my lunch :( Is this a sign telling me that I don't need to worry about living healthy? lol I don't know but I'm not giving up that quickly.

They say that to create a routine you have to repeatedly do something (whatever it may be that you want to turn in to a routine such as waking up at a certain time or eating at certain times, etc) for 21 days before your body gets used to it and you start doing it as part of your daily activities. So this is the plan.

I will start doing my pilates and yoga videos 3 days a week and my Jillian Michael video 4 days a week. Once it gets warmer outside I'll use my C25K app to go running and since the college I go to has a gym I can use for free I will go to the gym 2 days a week and do some running for the time being. I will also keep a schedule for eating. I will eat a slightly heavier breakfast, portion out my lunch and dinner, and eat snacks in between such as fruits or granola bars.

I will check back in on February 6 to see how I'm adjusting to this routine and to check my progress. I will need all the motivation I can get so please keep me in mind.

Happy Monday!

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