I always wanted to wear pearls on my wedding day because to me, no bride can't go wrong by wearing pearls on their special day. Especially since we're having a beach wedding and pearls come from the ocean =)
Well, one day my mom and I were talking about the wedding. I had mention that I wanted to wear pearls but I wasn't too sure yet. She told me not to worry about that she would go shopping with me and help me decide. I told her that that would be great.
Back in December, 2 weeks before Christmas, she had told me that she needed to speak with me she was trying to persuade me into going to her house early morning during the week. I had woken up late and was already having a horrible day so I said that I couldn't that I would try to stop by later that day. She kept going on about how important it was and how I was not going to regret it, still I said I just couldn't go at that time.
A few hours later my mother shows up at my job and tells me she has something for me. I told her that she was crazy for coming all the way to my job that she should of just waited for me to get out of work. She just blew me off and told me to close my eyes. I'm like "mom, seriously? I'm at work". And she's like "just close your eyes Pamela". So I did. After I opened my eyes again I noticed she had placed a Macy's bag on top of my desk. My eyes opened up so wide! I couldn't believe what was sitting right in front of me. I'm like "mom, you didn't!" and she said "just open it up already". When I opened the bag and the black suede boxes inside the bag I see this

I was debating whether to buy white gold or yellow gold jewelry because in my mind I could see my dress with yellow gold but my ring is white. After seeing that she had bought pearls with both, yellow and white gold she had made the decision for me.
My mother has been short of wonderful to me when it comes on helping me with this wedding.
I asked her why she didn't wait until Christmas to give it to me and her exact words were "Yo no podia aguantarme las ganas de sorprenderte y ver tu cara", which basically means she couldn't wait any longer to surprise me and see my face. lol. How cute it she :)
So there you have it. 2 things to be checked off my list, necklace and earrings. All I need is my bracelet and shoes and I'll have my wedding day attire complete.
Happy Hump Day!
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