I don't think I've discussed my color scheme here in my blog yet. And today feels just right to do so.
Since the beginning stages of planning this wedding I knew I didn't want to have pink, purple, light blue, etc as my colors for the simple fact that almost every bio I saw included those colors. Don't get me wrong those colors are beautiful and the way they were put together in other weddings made me want to use those same colors. However, to me those colors didn't represent who I was. Those weren't colors I had in my closet or that I would wear often.
I'm more of a black color person. Until recently if you had looked through my closet or drawers you would find that most of my clothes where black, brown or grey. Why? I have no clue. What I do know is that every color is beautiful and it was very hard narrowing them down to the top 3. So this is how it happened.
FI's favorite color is royal blue, our wedding is a destination wedding and is going to be on the beach, and I had already ruled out girly colors. So I went in search for the perfect shade of royal blue (if there is such a thing). After searching and searching and searching blue was growing in me. I never knew blue was such a beautiful color and how many shades of it there is. Loving all the shades of blue that I found I first decided that I wanted my BMs to each wear a different shade of blue.
What was I thinking???! They were going to look like a blue rainbow standing in the altar lol. Thank God I got over that.
Once I decided that I wanted Caribbean blue to be our main color I started matching other shades of blue next to it to see which one looked better with it. The one I liked the most was turquoise. So that was easy. Then the hardest part came. We had to decide what third color we wanted to use to be part of our dream wedding. Honestly I don't know how we decided on that. All I remember is that I wanted a color that was rarely used and that's when yellow came in. I never was a fan of yellow, to me that color along with orange was just to bright for my liking but one thing was true, it was a color I hardly ever saw being used. So I went with it. After discovering that yellow doesn't necessarily mean
bright I was the happiest girl on earth. Who knew I was so clueless on colors.
Back in June 2010 I went to Michaels to buy card stock to work on my
"will you be my bridesmaid" cards. I bought 2 packs of card stock that had 2 different kind of royal blue, 2 shades of turquoise, and 2 shades of yellow. That's when I first saw my colors together hand in hand. I loved them! No other colors said "Pamela and Steven are going to the beach" better than those colors did.
As the months passed by I was getting discourage on the colors that we had chosen because it was hard for me to find things that I wanted for the wedding in those colors. Especially shoes! shoes that I loved anyways.
Just on Monday after deciding on
bridesmaid dresses, and seeing them in what I call Caribbean Blue and Malibu, the love for our wedding colors came back to me. It was the perfect color scheme! Now I have my parasols in the color I want, the BMs dresses in the color I want and some of the wedding decor in the colors I want. All I need is my shoes and I'll be a happy bride =)
Here are my colors.

The funny thing is that as a little girl I always thought that when I got married everything was going to be in pink and purple. My dream car was going to be pink, When I worked as a lawyer my outfits were going to be black with pink and purple lol. Is funny how dreams change as the years pass.
Happy Friday!