On our second day in DR we decided to go to Los Tres Ojos. Is a cave called "the three eyes" because it has three openings within the cave and the only way to get from one side to another is by water. If I remember correctly this cave was found like that and has not being touched to fix things. They probably added the stairs etc to have the natives and tourist take a tour of the cave but over the years certain things have evolved. Meaning things like rocks that have taken the shapes of very easily to recognize objects, people, and animals. I remember being very young probably 5 or 6 years old and taking a few tours of the cave with family members. I was always super scared that I would fall into the water and drown because the water is very very deep. So when we traveled to DR back in 2008 I wanted to take my husband and son but unfortunately we didn't get a chance so I made it a priority this time around and they loved it! It's something very fun and unique to go see as you'll notice in the pictures and I would totally recommend it to anyone going to the Dominican Republic if you are into this sort of things of course :). The Aquarium and El Malecon (which is a must see at night) are around the area so you can make this a one day event.
My Grammy
I love this! I thought it was so cool. They use that as a method of transportaion and an honorable job
Long long long staicase. It must of had hundreds of steps
Looking down and in the cave
Looking up
Looking inside the cave, it was super dark in there.
How beatiful is this??? It looks fake doesn't it?
This is quick sand
My mom and her bff children
Again pitch black. All that behind us is water and parts of the cave rocky walls
Um uh... what was he doing lol
I don't know if you can see it but this is said to be shaped like and Indian's face. The pointy thing sticking out in the middle represents his nose
This one is said to be shaped like a dolphin, can you see it?
and this one as a woman
My fat hoggie :)
Looking down to the cave from the outside above
The Trio! lol
By the time we left from here it was almost or a bit after 5pm (we arrived around 1-2pm) so after a hike back up those stone steps we sat and had a few drinks, bought a few souvenirs and then headed home to eat and hide from the heat.
After we arrived home we were making plans to either go dancing at night or head to Santiago, about 3 hours away, to visit more family and then head back to the city the next day in the evening to drive to the Romana the following day. But as we were deciding on what to do my brother and sister started arguing, for the million time since we landed, and my mom suffered a nervous breakdown that caused her to be admitted to the hospital. We don't really know what happened but that about summed up our night activities we were planning. We ended up staying in, everyone was in their own part of the house and doing their own thing except for my cousin Aida and sister Paola who ended up going out dancing anyways and not coming home until 4am. Steven and I wanted to go too but decided to stay after all the commotions. Plus we had a long day ahead of us the following day.
Now I'm thinking that I should of talked about accommodations before this post since that's one of Steven's favorite part of the night lol. I guess I'll talk about it tomorrow before starting day 3.
Sweet Dreams!

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