I will be standing with my toes in the sand, with my loved ones and the ocean as my witness professing my love to my husband-to-be. I thought that this day would never come and yet here it is. I am so so so happy because for me today is a very special day. Not only because is our one year mark, but because I have so many wonderful memories since our engagement.
I've never been the type of girl that knew what she wanted and when she wanted it. Life is too short and I believe that one should live each day at a time to its fullest with no regrets. My dad passed away when I was very young and he wasn’t old either, he was in his 30s, from that moment on I decided not to plan my future. Yes I had dreams and goals but I decided not to worry about them until the time was right because you just didn’t know what the future had ready for you. Now here I am with a year left before one of the most amazing and important day of my life trying to decide what my dream wedding will be like. I never imagined how this day would be but one thing I knew for sure was that my dad was going to walk me down the aisle. However, my destiny was completely different from what I had in mind.
I don’t know why of all the days today felt like such a great day until I started writing and got so emotional. If this is now, when we’re still so far away, I can’t begin to imagine how I’ll be on my wedding day without my dad there telling me and doing all of the things that dad’s are supposed to say and do. I believe that everything happens for a reason and even though he won’t be able to walk me down the aisle I know that he will be there in spirit blessing me and wishing me the best. And daddy I want you to know, where ever you are, that I will always have you in my heart until my heart stop beating. I love you and miss you.