So yesterday morning, around 2:52am, I get a call from my brother saying that he's on his way to the hospital with his girl and her mother and father. He says that she's in labor. However, they thought the same thing 2 times before withing the last two weeks.
So I say "ok... well, just call me if they keep her".
(ring)... Is him, he says "they kept her, she's 6cm dilated".
At this point is 3:30am and I'm really excited but soooo tired. So I say to call me when she's 8cm and I'll get ready and go over to the hospital.
At 4:59am I get a tex message that says "She's 8cm come over".
Yup, I missed it. I got up at 6am. At the same time my alarm went off and about a minute later he texed again saying "are you coming? She's 9cm. you're going to miss the birth"
So I quickly get up and start getting my son and myself ready. As soon as I get out of the shower I get another tex that says "She's fully dilated", so I drop my son off at my mother's and start driving to the hospital which is only 15 minutes away. I get lucky to make it to the hospital in exactly 15 minutes, being a school day and with all the traffic.
At about 9am she's ready to start pushing. It only took her 18mins to get her out.
This was so exciting! I was able to see my first niece being born. :D
The Parents

The proud auntie

Isn't she just gorgeous!
Naila enter the world at 9:18am
Weight: 8lbs 4oz
Height: 19 1/2 in
Welcome to the family Naila!